Sponsors & Partners
Headline Sponsors

Opening Act Sponsors
Celebrity Performer Sponsors
Green Room Sponsors
Fan Club Sponsors
Interested in Sponsoring? Contact CSPA to inquire (864)255-5010 or info@cancersurvivorspark.org
Headline Sponsor $25,000 | 1 Sponsor
As the headline sponsor for Sync for Survivors, your company will enjoy the following benefits:
- Exclusive Spotlight Video: Your company representative will be featured in a video about your support for CSPA along with your company info. Video will be used in Sync marketing; Including website, social media, emails and media opportunities as allowed
- 10 tickets to the event in Section 1 (reserved seating)
- Company logo featured in 1st tier event communications and media (Print/Digital ad space in GVL Today & Community Journal)
- Company logo featured in CSPA promotional videos leading up to the show (Exclusive to this sponsor level)
- Stationery signage for duration of show on stage
- Logo Inclusion on Sync for Survivors website
- Prominent logo Inclusion in the event video screens, displays program and unique graphics at 1st tier level
- Opportunity for company to join CSPA for media opportunities (TV and Radio interviews) to promote Sync and your generous support
- Company prominently featured in post event Thank You communications and media (Print ad space with Community Journal )
Opener Sponsor $10,000
As an opener sponsor for Sync for Survivors, your company will enjoy the following benefits:
- 6 tickets to the event in Section 1 (reserved seating)
- Logo Inclusion on Sync for Survivors website
- Company logo featured in 2nd tier event communications and media (Print and Digital)
- Company Logo Inclusion in the event video screens, displays, and program at 2nd tier level
- Opportunity for company education/community outreach table at the event
Stage Hands Sponsor $7,500
As the exclusive Stage Hand Sponsor for Sync for Survivors, your company will provide 20 tickets to cancer patients, survivors and caregivers to attend Sync for Survivors free of charge (CSPA will distribute tickets on your behalf)
- 4 tickets to the event in Section 1 (reserved seating)
- Logo Inclusion on Sync for Survivors website
- Company Logo included in event bar signage
- Logo Inclusion in the event video screens, displays, and program at 3rd tier level
Celebrity Performer Sponsor $5,000
As a Celebrity Performer Sponsor for Sync for Survivors, your company will enjoy the following benefits:
- 4 tickets to the event in Section 1 (reserved seating)
- Logo Inclusion on Sync for Survivors website
- Logo Inclusion in the event video screens and program at 3rd tier level
- Opportunity for company education/community outreach booth at the event
Fan Club Sponsor $1,000
As a Fan Club Sponsor for Sync for Survivors, your company will enjoy the following benefits:
- 2 tickets to the event in Section 1 (reserved seating)
- Logo Inclusion on Sync for Survivors website
- Company name or Individual/Couple name in the program